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发布时间:2021-01-12 点击:2264



已获offer:澳大利亚国立大学工程、澳大利亚墨尔本大学工程专业、澳大利亚悉尼大学工程专业、英国布里斯托大学工程专业、英国谢菲尔德大学工程专业、英国曼彻斯特大学工程专业、英国伦敦大学学院工程专业、新西兰奥克兰大学工程专业。选择曼彻斯特大学工程专业。(曼彻斯特大学:排名第23位的大学,以教学严谨、学术风气自由著称。始建于1824年,是位于英国第二繁华城市曼彻斯特的世界综合研究型大学,享有美誉的英国精英名校,英国的六所红砖大学之,英国常春藤联盟罗素大学集团创始成员之一。在曼彻斯特大学现任及过往教职员和学生中 共有25位诺贝尔奖得主。)


 “Dream or not, should it depend on where I am admitted?”


This sentence was from my younger brother in grade 11. He just arrived home from the cram school and is lying on the sofa, with his shoulders slumped and deep black circles under his eyes.



In the past three years, I compared my life before and now many times. Having spent a year in Nanchang No. 1 High School, I experienced everything that my brother is experiencing. In that year, I focused my mind on to the class rank, seeking for the dawn of good exam results. Neither I had a chance to choose what I like or dislike, nor to confide that I was tired. The only thing I can do was to sketch my future life over and over again in the exercise books. I used to be like a canoe sailing on a given waterway. Any deviation was not tolerated. I didn’t know the meaning of the future life I sketched in my mind.


▲  摄于2019年9月曼彻斯特大学

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▲  摄于2017年8月英国研学


Traditional Chinese education kills students’ nature and personalities; and students have no choice but to accept it. Many parents often say that children from other families have good grades and many interests. But I think that every student has their strength. So-called good students receive high grades for either their talents or diligence. As far as I am concerned, education should be based on clear career planning. It should exploit talents and be oriented to career goals.




Teensen International School was an opportunity to get rid of traditional education for me. In the past three years, with the help of Teensen teachers, I broadened my vision and exercised my thinking. I used to be a student carrying a small bowl to catch the rain of knowledge, and Teensen teachers fill it in for me in person.Traditional high school education,to some extent,is a mass production;and students are standard products.But here,Teensen teachers carefully cultivate us, make us feel cared,valued and needed.We do not only gain knowledge,but also receive spiritual comfort and encouragement.In this case,I realize that they are not only teachers but also friends to us,who we can share our joy of learning and life,and who we can confide our pain recklessly.The A-level courses in Teensen International School allow us to choose our favorite subjects according to our interests,expertise and future development.So I no longer wander, hesitate,or be dreamy about my future path.Because this brand-new curriculum grants me more choices so that I can realize my future expectations.

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I was called “snowflake boy” for my thoughtfulness and sensitivity; and I often take to heart a trifle or trivial words of the others or even my parents.When first arrived Teensen International School, I was in the rebellious stage, often disputed with parents, sometimes took out negative emotions recklessly, and even yelled at the teachers. My class teacher, Ms. Zhuang, sometimes became an easy victim, since we spent the longest time together. But s she never blamed my impoliteness nor criticized my misconduct; all she cares about is why I act like that. She is always calm to me, and teach me how to control my emotions. She can identify my emotional fluctuations in time, and bring me out of difficulty. Gradually, I learned how to control my emotions, and better communicate with my parents. As a result, there are fewer disputes between us. In Teensen International School, I learned how to behave in a socially acceptable way, and made spiritual progress. I can not get these in traditional high schools.

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Many attribute my achievements to my efforts and talents, though I clearly understand that everything is a credit to Teensen International School. In my last time in high school, I learned to make fun of dawn-to-dusk days. I cheer for every bit of progress, which kept me going further. At that time, I was striving towards my goal, stumbling but resolute. It never occurred to me that I would study and live in this way. Teensen International School change me significantly.

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I hope that every student who dreams can achieve their expected future.

▲  曼彻斯特风景(图片由本文作者拍摄)


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