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发布时间:2021-01-11 点击:1820

当寒假遇见春节,时光就会变得欢腾起来;而当寒假遇见世界名校Offer,时光就会变得美好起来。在这个时期,一个振奋人心的消息传来:我校刘亦正Alan同学获得香港大学(2020QS世界大学排名第25位)bachelor of science免面试预录取。

When winter holiday meets the Spring Festival, the time will become jubilant; And when our school meet an Offer from a world famous university in winter vacation, the time will become better. In this special period, an exciting news came that Liu Yizheng Alan of our school has won the bachelor of science offer from the university of Hong Kong (2020QS world university ranking No. 25).

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截至目前,Alan同学收到了来自牛津大学数学系面试邀请、英国华威大学数学专业、英国曼彻斯特大学数学专业、香港大学bachelor of science预录取offer。

Up to now, Alan has received an interview invitation from the department of mathematics, university of Warwick, university of Manchester, university of Hong Kong bachelor of science and offers.















bachelor of science


香港大学在QS2020世界大学排名中排名第25位,比肩清华大学、北京大学,这也是港大每年吸引众多国内高考状元的原因所在。毫不夸张地说,申请港大本科的难度不亚于千军万马过独木桥,不论学生通过何种途径申请。此外,港大在审理申请时会发出面试邀请,各专业的导师通过全英文的面试来考察学生的英语水平、性格特质以及沟通和表达能力。因此,面试的表现对于录取也是至关 重要,且很多学生便是在面试中被刷未拿到预录取offer。然而,令人意外的是,此次Alan同学收到的是免面试预录取,这也表明港大对Alan综合能力。

The university of Hong Kong ranks 25th in the QS2020 world university rankings, along with Tsinghua university and Peking University, which is why it attracts so many top scorers in the national college entrance examination every year. It is no exaggeration to say that applying for a bachelor's degree at Hong Kong university is no less difficult than crossing a narrow bridge. Students must be excellent in whatever way they apply. In addition, an interview invitation will be issued during the processing of applications. Tutors from various majors will conduct an all-English interview to assess students' English proficiency, personality traits and communication and presentation skills. Therefore, the performance of the interview is also crucial to the admission, and many students are failed to get the final offer in the interview. However, surprisingly, what Alan received this time is the pre-admission without interview, which also shows that Hong Kong university recognizes Alan's comprehensive ability.


As for the offer, Alan told us, "in fact, I didn't spend a lot of energy to prepare for it. I was really surprised and wondered why the Hong Kong general assembly was exempted from the interview. At that time, I didn't receive anything. At that time, I thought there was no chance for me to apply for the university of Hong Kong. However, the university of Hong Kong directly gave me the notice of pre-admission without interview."

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As Alan's head teacher, Huang Yue was not surprised by the offer. "applying to Hong Kong university is as difficult as Tsinghua university and Peking University. He is a very dedicated student. Although he was young, he knew what he wanted to do and what direction he wanted to pursue in the future, and he was able to put his efforts into practice for this idea. And it's hard for the outside world to interfere with him. A young man like that is sure to succeed."


Vivian, who is in charge of the guidance department, watched Alan walk all the way. In her opinion, the reason why Alan could get this offer was that he had excellent grades and outstanding papers." Alan's paperwork is typically professional. During his three years in high school, he participated in a variety of mathematical and physical (mathematics, physics and computer science) competitions around his major and achieved excellent results, which made him stand out among many competitors. In addition, we have a very clear plan for his study, which is all about his major." In Hong Kong, the standard of admission for good students is to see the potential of students in their major, so we focused on Alan's potential in science and engineering. And, most importantly, we have been doing this for more than two years without changing."

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香港大学(The University of Hong Kong),简称“港大(HKU)”,创立于1911年,是香港的首间大学,亦是香港的第一学府,是通常被认为是亚洲具名望的大学之一,有亚洲“常春藤”之称。根据2020年QS世界大学排名,香港大学位列世界第25名。香港大学为环太平洋大学联盟、松联盟、Universitas 21、中国大学校长联谊会、粤港澳高校联盟、京港大学联盟、沪港大学联盟成员,AACSB及EQUIS双重认证成员,是全球第一个界定出SARS病原体的科研单位。

The University of Hong Kong (HKU), founded in 1911, is The first University in Hong Kong and The first institution of learning in Hong Kong. According to the QS world university rankings 2020, the university of Hong Kong ranks 25th in the world. The university of Hong Kong (HKU) is a member of the Pacific rim alliance, the alliance of universities, Universitas 21, the association of university presidents of China, the alliance of universities of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, the alliance of universities of Beijing and Hong Kong, the alliance of universities of Shanghai and Hong Kong, and a dual-certified member of AACSB and EQUIS.








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