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天行新闻 | 南昌市教育局社管处杨华根处长莅临我校视察指导工作

发布时间:2020-07-27 点击:2320

5月27日下午, 南昌市教育局社管处杨华根处长等一行组成的考评组莅临我校,对新校办学工作进行工作指导。考评组专家团队在我校负责人刘贺先生的陪同下深入我校施工现场视察校园建设情况。

On the afternoon of May 27, the assessment group composed of Director Yang Huagen of the Social Management Department of Nanchang Education Bureau and his party came to our school to guide the work of the new school. The experts of the assessment group, accompanied by Mr. Liu He, the head of our school, went to the construction site of our school to inspect the construction of the new campus.



The assessment group inspected the campus environment by visiting the school buildings,dormitory buildings,stadiums, the canteen and other areas.The group members inspected the school preparations by means of "seeing", "asking" and "checking".


The experts of the assessment group gave full affirmation and high evaluation of the school's preparation work, and made guiding suggestions for the future development of our school. Our school will make full use of this opportunity, not only to discover the highlights of running a school, but also to find shortcomings and we will also take the leadership's suggestions as the driving force for continuous improvement and promotion in the future work, and comprehensively improve the core competitiveness of the school, and strive to make our school into a first-class international school in China where parents are at ease, students are comfortable, and the society is satisfied.

上一篇:天行新闻 | 天行创世纪学校积极筹建党支部、团支部及少工委


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