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天行新闻 | 天行创世纪学校积极筹建党支部、团支部及少工委

发布时间:2020-05-26 点击:2015


On the afternoon of May 26, Mr. Cao Shaobo, who was in charge of political and educational work at our school, was invited by the Wanli District Committee, together with Wang Yutian, Secretary of the Wanli District Committee of the Communist Youth League, Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the Wanli District, Jia Xiao, and a member of the Party Committee of the Wanli District Education and Sports Bureau, Cao Xiaoling to discuss the construction of the Party branch, the Communist Youth League and the Working Committee of Young Pioneers of the Teensen Genesis School.



The two sides discussed how to carry out corresponding branch activities, group activities and team activities, how to play an advanced role as a model leader in various activities, as well as related work such as the elementary school students joining the Young Pioneers League and the middle school students joining the Communist Youth League. Secretary Wang Yutian highly appreciated our efforts on the preparations for the new campus and gave valuable instructions on how to carry out the work of the Communist Youth League and the Young Pioneers League for the next step.  Secretary Wang Yutian said that he will actively help our school to connect with the establishment of party branches, and to communicate with other schools with good experience and good practices to let us visit and learn. Besides, he will help us to plan the  road map of the execution. What's more, Secretary Wang Yutian hopes to build our school's party branch, the Communist Youth League and the Young Pioneers League into an educational front line of new era.



The Teensen Genesis School Construction Project is a key livelihood project in Wanli District of Nanchang in 2020. Since the project was reconstructed and upgraded, leaders at all levels have paid a high attention to it and have given great supports to the construction of the new campus.  Our school will also implement the construction of party branches, the Communist Youth League and the Young Pioneers League in accordance with the requirements of the leaders. We will give full play to its role, and create an educational front line that's in line with the growth of students' ideas and thoughts. 

上一篇:缤纷童年路 牵手共成长——记天行创世纪学校幼小衔接暨师资见面会活动

下一篇:天行新闻 | 南昌市教育局社管处杨华根处长莅临我校视察指导工作

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