The second open day of Teensen middle school is coming!
Only the best teachers can train the best students. Also, the best children must meet the best teachers to inspire all their energy. Do you want to listen to this special class when the role changes and students become teachers?
Then, on December 29, please go into Teensen and let Teensen students bring you a new open course in economics.
Teensen has always paid attention to the education process and the growth of students, and the transformation of "ordinary student " into "talented student" is well known among parents. A large number of children with average scores go from here to the world's top schools. The 13 graduates who submitted applications for 2019 graduates are all admitted by the top 100 schools in the world, winning the trust and support of most parents, and attracting many parents to come.
2020届学生也获得了截至目前为止江西国际高中好的成绩:刘亦正同学获得英国牛津大学数学系面试邀请、李宇松同学获得英国帝国理工学院材料科学与工程降条件、免面试预录取。6.7%学生获得世界TOP 10 预录取,26.7%学生获得世界TOP30预录取,80%学生获得世界TOP50预录取,93%学生获得世界TOP60预录取,100 %学生获得世界TOP 100预录取……
The students of 2020 have also obtained the best results of Jiangxi international high school so far: Liu Yizheng has been invited by the Mathematics Department of Oxford University, and Li Yusong has been admitted by the materials science and engineering major of Imperial College of technology without interview. 6.7% of the students got the world top 10 pre admission, 26.7% of the students got the world top 30 pre admission, 80% of the students got the world top 50 pre admission, 93% of the students got the world top 60 pre admission, 100 % of the students got the world top 100 pre admission
It's the goal of Teensen to send every student to the height he can climb.
在2019年举行的春季班招生中,迎来了非常多的生源,报名异常火 爆。天行汇聚了越来越多的学子。
In the enrollment of spring class held in 2019, there are many high-quality students, and the enrollment is extremely hot. Teensen brings together more and more excellent students.
On this campus opening day, in addition to the sharing of students from Oxford interview, there is also our "mystery learning bully" economics demo class. In 15 minutes, he will tell you "what is economics". From the perspective of students, he will be able to better understand what knowledge points students need to master and how to absorb important knowledge points better and faster. This is bound to be a very lively and interesting class.
You may find it strange that high school students should learn economics. This is the characteristic of A-level international courses. Among dozens of courses, students can choose four or five courses freely. Chinese students have a good foundation in science, and mathematics and chemistry are often strong points. Although economics belongs to the liberal arts system, many mathematical analysis models are used, and Chinese students often learn better.
Teensen now offers courses in mathematics, chemistry, economics, business and other advantages, which can give full play to students' learning advantages and combine their personal preferences to choose courses. For this reason, whether students like science or arts, they can find their own favorite and suitable courses in Teensen, and finally ensure that they can obtain good academic performance and apply to world famous schools.
Everyone is used to listening to the teacher's class, so is such a way for students to prepare and give lectures by themselves very attractive? It also fully proves that we have always been aiming at the five qualities of a (ambition), B (bold ), C (caring), D (devoted ), e (erudite ), and "ABCDE".
13:35–14:00 神秘学霸demo课“什么是经济学”
14:05–14:20 牛津面试归来学子刘亦正分享在天行三年的收获
14:35–14:50 天行数学学科 带头 人骆畅博士分享对刘亦正的学业培养
14:50–15:20 深入了解天行的八大职业小组
15:20–15:30 学生家长发言 “孩子入读国际高中的变化”
16:15–16:45 A-level体系具体讲解 以及 第二届中美班培养规划
16:45–16:55 天行奖学金政策
14:30-17:00 学生内测
时间:2019年12月29日 下午13:00
天行一中王老师18970992280 / 0791-86232170
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