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发布时间:2020-08-15 点击:1911


On August 13th, Li Yusong (Steve) of our school received an unconditional offer of materials engineering and science from Imperial College London (ranked 8th in QS World University in 2021). This is the first undergraduate offer from Imperial College London in Jiangxi Province so far. In other words, Steve is the first Imperial College London undergraduate cultivated by a local school in Jiangxi Province.



As early as last December, Steve received an interview-free priority admission for materials engineering and science from Imperial College London. After 8 months, Steve finally realized his dream of Imperial College London.

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In terms of career exploration, in the first year of senior high school, Steve participated in the National Robot Competition and won the national first prize. In addition, we also learned that Li Yusong had already followed the doctoral supervisor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to do research projects earlier and finally received a recommendation letter from the doctoral supervisor. In the summer of the second year of senior high school, under the arrangement of the school, Steve went to the laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and followed the doctoral supervisor to conduct experiments. All of these laid a solid foundation for him to obtain an interview-free offer from Imperial College London.

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Eventually, Steve, with scores of mathematics A-Chemistry A-Physics A, plus a qualified language result, successfully got an official offer from Imperial College London.


There is a saying in Teensen: "Choice is more important than hard work".Steve's story interprets this sentence appropriately, and there are many stories of this kind in Teensen. In Teensen, surpass the future that you foresee.

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上一篇:我和我的孩子一起选择加入天行 好的教育从择校开始

下一篇:匠心独运,创新前行 ——天行创世纪学校小学部教师暑期培训纪实

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